Apr 19, 2005 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary to Host Deaf Basketball Camp

On June 6-9, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will host the fourth annual Deaf Basketball Camp. The event is for children, ages 7-13, with any hearing impairment. The camp will be held in the Seminary Expansion gym from 10 a.m. to noon. Each day, the children will participate in a Bible study, followed by instruction on basic basketball skills. Interpreters and hearing impaired volunteers, as well as Seminary students, will assist the children.

“The kids will be able to interact with each other, to learn the Word of God, and to have the same opportunity as anyone else to go to a camp,” commented Kara Simmons, director of the Sign School. “I think it’s important for them to have something special set aside just for them every year.”

The Concordia Seminary Sign School holds sign classes for 10 weeks each quarter. The classes are free for Seminary students and their families. Sign classes and deaf congregation observation also serve as a cross-cultural module requirement for Seminary students.

For more information on the camp or Concordia Seminary’s Sign School, call (314) 505-7120 or e-mail signschool@csl.edu.