Apr 21, 2005 Print This Article

First Woman Plays Varsity Sports at Concordia Seminary

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, announces that Phaedra Fisher is the first woman to play varsity sports at the Seminary. Fisher plays on the varsity tennis team and is pursuing a master’s degree in systematic theology, along with deaconess certification.

At Concordia Seminary, tennis is considered a mixed sport, and therefore women are allowed to play on the varsity team. “I have had a lot of fun playing on the tennis team,” commented Fisher. “All the men have been very accepting of a woman playing on the team.”

On April 1-2, Fisher participated in the annual Concordia Invitational Tournament (CIT) on the Seminary campus. In addition to the Seminary team, CIT featured various teams from the Concordia University and Seminary system.

“Fisher has done a good job,” commented Dr. James Voelz, professor of exegetical theology and varsity coach at the Seminary. “She is a valuable member of the team.”

Concordia Seminary sponsors varsity teams in both basketball and tennis. Voelz also coaches the basketball team, the Preachers. Athletics at the Seminary allow coaches and players to make a positive witness to Christ to other teams.

For more information, contact Seminary Relations, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; (314) 505-7370; SemRelations@csl.edu.