Jun 08, 2005 Print This Article

Matching Grant Opportunity for Concordia Seminary Donors

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, is pleased to announce the creation of a $330,000 matching grant fund for donors who wish to assist the Seminary in avoiding a fiscal year-end deficit. Several concerned friends have combined resources to create this special matching grant opportunity for donors. Any unrestricted gift or gift restricted for student financial aid that is given through June 30 will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the fund.

Gifts must be postmarked by June 30 to qualify for matching funds. Interested individuals also can offer a gift via credit card by calling the Seminary’s development office toll-free at 1-800-922-5287. The Seminary’s Web site also offers secure online donation using a credit card at www.csl.edu/deficit-offering.htm.

“This is nothing less than a miracle,” said Mark Hofman, vice president for development at Concordia Seminary. “We have been praying daily that God will work miracles to help us through this difficult and challenging situation. These faithful friends have taken a bold step in faith to help us. We pray that God will lead others to respond in kind to their generosity.”

Concordia Seminary is attempting to raise $1.65 million before June 30 to avoid incurring an operating debt. Dramatic increases in the Seminary’s enrollment have placed a financial strain on its operating budget, nearly 70 percent of which is funded today by direct gifts offered by individuals, groups and congregations.

“We also need help spreading the word about this time-critical matching grant,” commented Hofman. “Subscribing the entire matching grant will mean that we can apply more of next year’s financial resources toward the education and support of students, rather than paying off a debt. It is always a challenge to give more LCMS households an opportunity to participate in the mission of preparing our future pastors through a first-time donation. The best way we can do that, right now, is to ask our alumni and current friends to help spread the word about this matching grant.”

For more information, contact the Seminary’s development office at 1-800-822-5287, development@csl.edu or Development, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105.