Dec 15, 2005 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary Annual ‘Taste of the Sem’ Event Filled to Capacity

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, announces that registration for the fourth annual “Taste of the Sem,” to be held Jan. 14-16, 2006, on its campus, is filled to capacity one month before the event will take place. This visitation event is designed to allow young men in high school the opportunity to experience Seminary life with the help of current Concordia Seminary students. The event begins on Saturday evening, Jan. 14, and ends at noon on Monday, Jan. 16.

Due to its overwhelming success in recent years, registration for “Taste of the Sem” has been increased from 40 to 60 participants. This year, registration exceeded the new limit, placing additional participants onto a waiting list to attend the event. The Seminary will welcome students from Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin, among others.

The event features Bible study, prayer and discussions concerning the Office of the Holy Ministry. Participants will be matched one-on-one with Seminary students and will accompany these students to their resident field education congregations on Sunday morning and to classes and chapel service on Monday morning. High school participants also will be given a tour of the campus and the opportunity for dinner and discussion with Seminary faculty members.

“The true value of this event is that it allows high school students from all over the country to come together and study God’s Word and explore the magnitude of what He has done for us through Christ,” commented Rev. Kyle Castens, associate director of ministerial recruitment at Concordia Seminary. “‘Taste of the Sem’ helps students understand how important this in-depth study is in preparing men for the ministry.”

There is no cost for the “Taste of the Sem” event. All meals and lodging will be provided free of charge. Transportation between the airport, train station or bus station and the Seminary campus also will be provided. Registration is limited and no registration is complete until the participant has received a confirmation letter from the Seminary. Those who wish to register are urged not to make travel arrangements until after receiving a confirmation letter. Participants are responsible for their own transportation costs.

The next scheduled visitation events are Exploring Church Careers Event and Exploring the Pastoral Ministry, which will take place July 29-Aug. 1, and Aug. 1-4, respectively. Both events are designed for high school youth. Registration information will be mailed to all pastors, high school principals, guidance counselors, DCEs, etc., on Feb. 15. Registration for these events will begin March 1.

For more information or registration materials for “Taste of the Sem” and other visitation events, contact the Admissions Office, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; (800) 822-9545; Additional information is available on the Seminary’s Web site at