May 20, 2006 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary Confers 148 Degrees at Commencement

The 167th academic year of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, concluded on May 19. The day’s activities began at 10:00 a.m. with a baccalaureate service in the Seminary’s Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus, followed by a special luncheon for graduates and their families. Commencement exercises were held at 7:00 p.m. in the Seminary’s main quadrangle.

Dr. Leopoldo A. Sánchez M., assistant professor of systematic theology at Concordia Seminary, delivered the sermon for the theological diploma service. Following the sermon, students who successfully completed one of the programs of preparation for service as pastors and the women who successfully completed preparation for service as deaconesses in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) were presented their theological diplomas. In this act, the Seminary faculty fulfilled publicly the responsibility given it by the LCMS to certify men it determines to be qualified in every respect for service in the pastoral ministry and women it determines to be qualified for service as deaconesses.

At the evening Commencement exercises, Dr. Richard L. Alms, executive director of Lutheran Mission Society, Baltimore, Md., served as Commencement speaker. Following the address, 105 students were recipients of master of divinity degrees. This is the academic degree which most students who desire to be pastors, missionaries or chaplains in the LCMS receive. Other degrees conferred included two master of arts in deaconess studies degrees, 17 master of arts degrees, six doctor of ministry degrees, two master of sacred theology degrees and three doctor of philosophy degrees.

Three master of arts students and one doctor of philosophy student previously received their degrees on Aug. 5, 2005. One master of divinity student, one master of sacred theology student and one doctor of philosophy student received their degrees on Nov. 14, 2005. One alternate route student received his certificate on December 31, 2005. Five master of arts students and one master of divinity student received their degrees on Feb. 20, 2006.

Fourteen students were recognized as candidates for completion of the certificate program (alternate route). Upon successful completion of a one-year vicarage (internship), these students will be certified as eligible to receive a call and serve as pastors, missionaries or chaplains in the LCMS.

Five individuals were selected by the Concordia Seminary faculty to receive special honors during the Commencement exercises. William Hecht of Washington, D.C., received the Distinguished Alumni Award, granted each year to candidates who exemplify distinguished and dedicated service in the LCMS in their respective callings. Rev.’s Michael Hassold of North Adelaide, South Australia; Dr. Kenneth F. Korby of Fort Wayne, Ind.; Arri Kugappi of St. Petersburg, Russia; and Reginald Quirk of Cambridge, England, were awarded honorary doctor of divinity degrees in recognition of their scholarship, their contribution to confessional studies and their faithful service to the church as confessional Lutherans.

For more information, contact Communications, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; (314) 505-7374;