Aug 15, 2006 Print This Article

Gilbert to Serve Center for Hispanic Studies

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, is pleased to announce that Rose E. Gilbert will serve as instructor for Hispanic women in the Seminary’s Center for Hispanic Studies. Gilbert graduated from Concordia Seminary’s Deaconess Studies program in May 2006 and will be consecrated as a deaconess during Concordia Seminary’s opening service on Sept. 3.

Gilbert served at Lutheran Senior Services, Kirkwood, Mo., and Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer, St. Louis, Mo., while a student at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. She also was a volunteer missionary to Caracas, Venezuela, during her internship. She received the B.A. degree from Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Ind. (2003), and the M.A.Deac. degree from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis (2006).

“During my internship in Venezuela, I had many opportunities to work with women and was specifically involved in theological formation. Now I will be able to continue in this work at the Center for Hispanic Studies,” commented Gilbert. “I enjoyed my time at Concordia Seminary as a student, and it is a great privilege and honor to be called here as staff. I look forward to serving the Center, the Seminary, and the church at-large.”

For more information, contact the Communications Department, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; (314) 505-7374;