Aug 01, 2006 Print This Article

Seminary Releases New Deaconess Publication

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, announces the release of a new publication titled Deaconess. The newsletter highlights deaconess education and offers insight into the lives of current deaconess students and graduates of Concordia Seminary. Deaconess will be published three times per year and is sent free of charge to all pastors and deaconesses in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Archival copies will be available in pdf format on the Seminary’s Web site.

“Long in the planning stage, this inaugural newsletter sets the tone for deaconess education at Concordia Seminary,” commented Dr. Bruce Hartung, faculty director of deaconess studies at Concordia Seminary. “We expect the number of students enrolled in deaconess studies to grow even faster than it has and expect our graduates to take their place in the church as women who, in the action of their vocation, point to Christ in word and in deed.”

Articles in the first issue of Deaconess include “Deaconess Serves in Alaska,” “Deaconess Intern Reaches Hispanics,” “Serving as a Deaconess” and “From the President.” The first issue also lists upcoming events at Concordia Seminary that may be of interest to deaconesses or prospective deaconess students.

The next issue of Deaconess will be published this fall. For more information or to receive a complimentary copy, contact Deaconess Studies at (314) 505-7114 or