Dec 22, 2006 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary Class Establishes Alumni Endowment

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, announces the establishment of a new alumni endowment from the graduating class of ‘62, ‘63 and the Senior College class of ‘59, as its class gift. On Dec. 15, 2006, three alumni from the class signed an agreement with Seminary president Dr. Dale A. Meyer and presented a check representing the first deposit into the fund.

“The class of ‘62, ‘63 and the Senior College class of ‘59 joined with several other classes under the common banner of The Alumni Endowment,” commented Mark Hofman, vice president for development at Concordia Seminary. “Together, these alumni send a strong message about the growing support they are providing for the mission of Concordia Seminary. Each new class endowment and every single gift added to The Alumni Endowment empowers the Seminary to better meet the needs of students, church and world. I am thrilled to see Concordia Seminary alumni take such a bold step of faith in their confession of Jesus Christ.”

The new endowment takes a unique approach to supporting theological education. It will function initially as a student assistance fund and progress through a graduate student fellowship, a visiting or guest professorship and, ultimately, to an endowed faculty chair as gifts are added. The use is determined by the amount of principal invested, giving the Seminary tremendous flexibility over time and an opportunity for its alumni to influence the quality and scope of theological education at the Seminary. Through its Web site and printed materials, Concordia Seminary will report other endowed class gifts as individual components of the new alumni endowment.

“The establishment of The Alumni Endowment provides us with a major vehicle for current and future support from our alumni,” commented Rev. Michael Kumm, director of alumni relations at Concordia Seminary. “I receive requests from classes on a regular basis asking how they can contribute. Alumni past, present and future will be able to add to their section of The Alumni Endowment, thus strengthening the goals of Concordia Seminary. The alumni contributors in each class fund, including the graduating class of ‘62, ‘63 and the Senior College class of ‘59, are to be commended for their insightfulness.”

For information about The Alumni Endowment, or how a gift can be added to a class fund, please contact the Development Office at Concordia Seminary at 1-800-822-5287 or send e-mail to