Dec 07, 2006 Print This Article

President Kieschnick Speaks at Concordia Seminary Convocation

Rev. Dr. Gerald B. Kieschnick, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), presented “LCMS 101” at a convocation on Dec. 6 in Werner Auditorium on the Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, campus.

“It was an honor to have President Kieschnick on our campus and we are grateful for his presentation to our Seminary community,” commented Rev. Glen Thomas, vice president for seminary relations at Concordia Seminary. “Both the content of his presentation and the candor he displayed in responding to questions were very much appreciated.”

Kieschnick spoke about the history and mission of the LCMS, current membership trends and congregational contribution statistics. He also discussed the challenges facing the Synod and plans to address these issues. “How we deal with conflict is important,” commented Kieschnick. “We must remember that the LCMS is faithful Christians walking and working together to do what we cannot do as individuals.”

He addressed Christian education and the importance of teaching congregants about stewardship and supporting missions at the congregational level. “It is the pastor’s job to lead his parishioners with respect to missions,” Kieschnick said. “It is our responsibility to share with others what we have been blessed to know.”

Convocations with special guest speakers are held regularly for students and faculty at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

For more information, contact Seminary Relations, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; 314-505-7370;