Mar 14, 2007 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary Holds Spring Visitation

Twenty-eight prospective students and 15 guests attended the 2007 Spring Visitation at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, March 8-10. The three-day visitation event provided the opportunity for an in-depth examination of the pastoral and deaconess formation processes, to discover the services offered by Concordia Seminary and the chance to meet and worship with the Seminary community in morning and evening chapel services.

“We were thrilled to welcome these prospective students to our campus,” commented Rev. Joel Fritsche, admissions counselor at Concordia Seminary. “The guests included college students and prospective second-career students, as well as their spouses, fiancées and parents. It is evident that God is continuing to answer the prayers of His people to raise up workers.”

Each participant was paired with a current Seminary student who acted as an “ambassador” to welcome them to campus and introduce them to the faculty at the opening reception and dinner on Thursday evening. Additionally, the ambassadors invited prospective students to accompany them to classes and morning chapel service. Visitors also attended a number of presentations that explained the Seminary’s academic programs, student services, resident field education and the internship and vicarage years. Optional tours of the campus, the Concordia Historical Institute and the Seminary Library also were offered. Female guests of prospective students attended a women’s Bible study session, “Partnership in the Gospel,” hosted by Mrs. Renee Gibbs.

An Information Fair held Friday afternoon provided time for the prospective students to become familiar with the myriad of services and organizations offered at the Seminary. It also provided an excellent occasion for them to meet and spend time with the Seminary community. Participants continued their dialogue with Seminary students and their spouses during the Student Panel Discussion held later that evening.

Prospective deaconess students, as well as all women in attendance, were introduced to the Seminary Women’s Association at a “women’s get together” hosted by Mrs. Dale Meyer in the President’s home on Saturday.

The Seminary’s next structured visitation opportunities include the Exploring Church Careers Event, to be held Aug. 4-7, followed by Exploring the Pastoral Ministry on Aug. 7-10, both for high school students; and Fall Visitation on Oct. 11-13. The next Spring Visitation will take place March 13-15, 2008. Prospective students interested in receiving some of the materials distributed at the Visitation or in arranging a campus visit should contact the Admissions Office at Concordia Seminary at 1-800-822-9545 or