Apr 25, 2007 Print This Article

Call Day at Concordia Seminary

Today is Call Day on the campus of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis and the Seminary cordially invites the public to share in the joy of this day. Approximately 125 students who will serve as vicars (a one-year internship) next year will receive their assignments during a 3:00 p.m. (CST) worship service. During a 7:00 p.m. (CST) worship service, approximately 165 candidates for the pastoral ministry will receive their first calls to serve as pastors, missionaries and chaplains in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. These pastoral candidates include the Seminary’s first 15 graduates in the Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology program. Both services will be held in the Seminary’s Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus.

In addition, six deaconess students are expected to receive their internship assignments in the 3:00 p.m. (CST) service, and there is one deaconess candidate to receive her first call during the 7:00 p.m. (CST) service. This will be the fourth year that deaconess students from Concordia Seminary receive placement.

In response to a request made by Concordia Seminary’s fourth-year class, a limited number of tickets have been issued for the 7:00 p.m. service. The purpose for this new policy is to ensure that members of candidates’ families are guaranteed a seat in the chapel. Four tickets were distributed to each candidate, and only those who have tickets will be allowed into the chapel. Overflow seating will be available for those without a ticket.

Those unable to attend the April 25 services are invited to view a webcast of the services from the Seminary’s Web site. Both audio and video will be available in RealMedia® format from https://stg.csl.matchbox.host/Resources_CallDay2007.aspx.

Lists of the vicarages and calls will be posted on Concordia Seminary’s Web site today at 9:00 p.m. (CST). Lists also will be e-mailed at the same time via the Seminary’s e-mail list services, CSLNEWS and CSLPRESEM. Those who wish to subscribe to these e-mail services prior to 9:00 p.m. in order to receive the lists may do so on the web page referenced above. A complete listing also will be featured in the summer 2007 issue of FOCUS.

For more information, contact Communications, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; (314) 505-7374; Communications@csl.edu.