Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Seminary Resources Available for Download on iPhone & iPod Touch
Concordia Seminary’s department of educational technology is pleased to announce that its complete catalog of educational audio and video podcasts is now available for direct download onto the iPhone and iPod touch. With Apple’s release of their 3.0 software update for iPhone and iPod touch, iTunes U is directly accessible over both cellular and Wi-Fi networks through the iTunes Store.
“Mobile learning is an exciting area for Concordia Seminary,” commented Tony Cook, director of educational technology. “With Apple’s latest advance, we are now able to bring educationally and theologically sound content to our residential and distance students as well as the pastors and laity of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod via this exciting technology. Imagine being able to download a podcast directly onto your iPhone or iPod touch and present it to your confirmation class, elders meeting, or Sunday morning Bible study with a simple cable and a standard television. This advance in technology helps to fulfill our goal of offering relevant confessional resources directly to Lutherans throughout the world.”
For those who are interested in downloading Concordia Seminary content directly onto an iPhone or iPod touch, the instructions can be found at the Apple Support link. For questions or help, contact educational technology at 314-505-7018.