Dec 18, 2009 Print This Article

Reaching Out Together Conference Set for February 2010

The second annual “Reaching Out Together” evangelism conference will take place on February 13, 2010. It is designed to inspire, encourage, teach, and give opportunity for putting into practice principles for talking about Jesus to others, especially the uncommitted or unchurched. This event is presented by the Saturday Outreach School in partnership with Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, the Missouri District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) and North American Missions Ablaze! “Reaching Out Together” is for pastors, evangelism boards, church leaders, and laypeople in the Missouri District and adjacent LCMS districts.

Featured break-out session speakers include Dr. Thomas R. Zehnder, executive director of LCMS World Mission; Kay L. Meyer, author of Witnessing—A Lifestyle; Rev. John Rathje, pastor of Christ in the City Lutheran Church, St. Louis; Rev. Peter Kirby, Ongoing Ambassadors for Christ; Rev. Kevin Parviz, Lutherans in Jewish Evangelism; and Rev. Brad Aldrich, CrossPollination Ministries.

Registration fee is $20 per participant for the first four people from a single congregation, and $15 for each additional participant. Fee includes lunch and all materials.

The registration deadline for “Reaching Out Together” is February 5, 2010. For more information contact Concordia Seminary Continuing Education at 314-505-7486 or email