Mar 23, 2010 Print This Article

2010 Alumni Reunion Scheduled for June 8-10

Concordia Seminary invites graduates, spouses, and widows of class years ending in “5” or “10” to the Alumni Reunion, to be held on the Seminary campus June 8-10, 2010. The theme for the Reunion will be “The Way We Were . . . Are . . . and Will Be: Under God’s Grace.”

There will be opportunities to tour the campus and see some of the changes on campus, as well as time to reconnect with friends and members of the faculty and staff. Fellowship opportunities will include the opening cookout “Texas barbecue” and “Cards in the Quad,” as well as special class gatherings. Attendees are encouraged to connect with classmates beforehand and suggest to them that they attend to celebrate the many years of blessing God has given to Concordia Seminary graduates and His Church. The Alumni Relations office will be happy to assist with arrangements for individual class gatherings.

During the Jubilarian Service on Wednesday afternoon a special offering will be collected and dedicated to the John E. Meyer Memorial Alumni Book Endowment Fund, which provides books for first-year seminarians.

One of the highlights of the Reunion will be the banquet Wednesday evening with classmates seated together at reserved tables. Prior to the banquet, the Concordia Historical Institute will host a reception for alumni. Their special exhibit during June will be “F. C. D. Wyneken: The Thunder That Follows the Lightning.”

Optional tours will be offered on Thursday to the LCMS International Center, including the new Concordia Historical Institute museum, and to the world-renowned Missouri Botanical Garden.

Advance registration is required. Please sign up on the registration form and return the form with a check by May 15, 2010.

For any questions, please contact Cathy Whitcomb in the Alumni Relations office at 314-505-7370 or