Nov 23, 2010 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary Announces ‘Taste of the Sem’ For High School Youth

The ninth annual visitation event called “Taste of the Sem” will take place Jan. 15-17, 2011, on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. The event is designed to allow young men in high school the opportunity to experience Seminary life with the help of current Concordia Seminary students. With the theme, “Together With All Creatures,” participants will study the Scriptures and take a closer look at the Biblical account of creation, and gain an appreciation of life together with all God’s creatures.

The event features Bible study, prayer, and discussions concerning preparation for the pastoral ministry. Participants are matched with Seminary students and accompany these students to their resident field education congregations on Sunday morning and to classes and chapel service on Monday morning. High school participants are given a tour of the campus and the opportunity for dinner and discussion with Seminary faculty members. They will also have the opportunity to play volleyball, basketball, foosball, and ping-pong in tournaments.

“We want these young men to become informed and excited about what the future could hold for them at Concordia Seminary,” commented Rev. Kyle Castens, director of ministerial recruitment at Concordia Seminary. “A ‘Taste of the Sem’ is exactly what we want the participants to have, and we think this taste will develop an appetite for more.”

There is no registration fee. All meals and lodging will be provided free of charge. Transportation between the airport, train station, bus station, and the Seminary campus also will be provided. Participants are responsible for their own transportation costs.

For more information about “Taste of the Sem,” contact the admissions office, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; 1-800-822-9545,, or visit the Seminary’s website at