Feb 15, 2011 Print This Article

Law Enforcement Chaplaincy Workshop To Be Held In May

Concordia Seminary, together with Peace Officer Ministries, Inc. (POM), will host “Christian Law Enforcement Chaplaincy—Theology and Practice,” on May 23-27 on the Seminary campus. The workshop offers unique accredited training for chaplains, peace officers, and pastors, focusing on effective Christian ministry to and through law enforcement.

Key principles that participants can expect to take away with them after attending the workshop include: understanding law enforcement as vocation (God’s calling); distinguishing and properly applying Law and Gospel and God’s Two Kingdoms within a law enforcement context; addressing practical, legal, historical, cultural and missiological considerations; employing Christian stress management and officer spiritual survival strategies; and identifying characteristics of a competent Christian chaplain. The Department of Homeland Security Course Component fulfills DHS Guidelines for First Responders.

Rev. Steve Lee, founding chaplain of POM, will serve as the introductory speaker on Monday morning. Other presenters include Stephanie Abernathy, Michael Dahmer, Daniel Dusseu, Dr. Denny Conroy, Steve Gielda, William Jones, Dr. Thomas Mijares, Chad Montgomery, Rev. Frank Ruffatto, and Steven Ruffatto.

Registration cost is $350. This includes four breakfasts, five lunches, and three dinners. CEUs will be awarded for full participation. Limited on-campus housing is available on a first-come first-served basis. Housing is dormitory style with shared bathrooms and showers. Rooms are on the second floor and are not handicapped accessible. Rates are $40 per night for single or couple and $25 per night for a shared room.

Deadline for registration is May 16. No walk-ins will be accepted.

For more information, contact the office of continuing education and parish services at 314-505-7486, ce@csl.edu; or visit the Continuing Education section of our website.