Jun 17, 2011 Print This Article

Grateful Alumni Attend Class Reunion

A gracious and grateful group of approximately 151 alumni, spouses, widows, and guests attended the Concordia Seminary Alumni Reunion, held June 7-9 on the Seminary campus. This year’s reunion included graduating classes from years ending in a “6” or “1.” This year’s 1961 class was joined by those in the 1962 class who began their studies with the ’61 class, but chose to accept a two year vicarage to assist in the transition to Concordia Senior College, Fort Wayne, Ind. Thirty-nine members of the class of 1961-1962 were present for their 50th  graduation anniversary.

This year’s theme was: “The Way We Were . . . Are . . . And Will Be: Under God’s Grace.” Those attending had many opportunities to celebrate and thank God for His blessing upon their past, present, and future years of service in His church.

The Reunion began with Evening prayer in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus. The Rev. Dr. Roy Maack (Class of 1956) delivered the homily. Members of the Concordia Seminary faculty joined the guests for dinner in Sieck Hall. This was followed by a carillon concert and class gatherings.

On June 8, Seminary president Dr. Dale A. Meyer and his wife, Diane, provided a Seminary update, sharing with the group the many blessings, challenges, and opportunities experienced in and through the ministry of Concordia Seminary. Many were interested to hear of the efforts being made to use some of our land to grow food (for the Seminary family and the community), including the creation of a community garden area. Prior to the morning chapel service with students, Dr. James Voelz gave a presentation that focused on current Biblical studies on the Gospel of Mark. Dr. Timothy Saleska (director of the M.Div. and Alternate Route programs) gave an afternoon presentation on the current work of curriculum planning, that included information gathered from students, alumni, congregations, and District Presidents that is an important part of the planning process.

Dr. Hilbert Riemer (Class of 1961) served as preacher at the Jubilarian Service. A generous sum was received in the offering which was designated for Concordia Seminary’s John E. Meyer Memorial Alumni Book Endowment Fund. Through this fund, a gift certificate is presented on behalf of Concordia Seminary’s alumni to each first-year ministerial formation student. The certificate can be redeemed at the Seminary bookstore for The Book of Concord or other theological books.

Reunion activities culminated on the evening of June 9 with a banquet held in Sieck Hall. The featured speakers were Drs. Gerhard Bode (1995) and Erik Herrmann (2000), faculty members in the historical theology department, who provided a PowerPoint presentation on “The Way We Were,” which included a movie clip of the Seminary’s dedication service. At the banquet, Rev. Harlan Wendler (class of 1946) was honored with the Erwin T. Koch Award, an award given to the oldest reunion attendee.

Bus tours to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod International Center and Lutheran Hour Ministries took place the morning of June 9. At the International Center, guests were greeted by Vice President Herbert Mueller and were able to visit the exhibit of the Concordia Historical Institute.  At Lutheran Hour Ministries, guests attended the chapel service with staff members, toured the facilities, and became more acquainted with the global outreach ministry of LHM.

The 2012 Alumni Reunion including graduating classes from years ending in a “7” or “2” will be held June 5-7, 2012. Information and registration materials will be sent out in late February.

Additional information can be obtained by contacting alumni relations at 314-505-7370 or alumni@csl.edu.