Nov 15, 2011 Print This Article

CHS Students Receive Placements

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, issued two pastoral calls and one deaconess call through the Center for Hispanic Studies (CHS) on Wednesday, November 9, during morning chapel.

Calls Into the Pastoral Ministry

Center for Hispanic Studies (CHS)

  • Rigoberto González, Pastor/Missionary (Worker Priest), Our Redeemer Lutheran, San Diego, Calif., Pacific Southwest District
  • Juan Zamora, Associate Pastor (Worker Priest), Our Redeemer Lutheran, Irving, Texas, Texas District

 Call into the Diaconal Ministry

Center for Hispanic Studies (CHS)

  • Alma Zamora, Deaconess, Our Redeemer Lutheran, Irving, Texas, Texas District

The Center for Hispanic Studies is operated by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and offers seminary level pastoral and deaconess formation in the Spanish language. Prior to entering the seminary level, students complete entrance or congregational level preparatory courses. At the seminary level, courses are delivered through short-term intensive courses given on campus or at extension-satellite sites. Some courses also are taught online. The curriculum takes serious consideration of how confessional Lutheran theology is applied in various United States Hispanic/Latino communities. Students in the program serve a two-year concurrent vicarage or deaconess internship under the mentorship of local LCMS pastors.

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Front row, from left: Rev. Eloy González, Juan Zamora, Rigoberto González, Alma Zamora; back row, Rev. Robert Hoehner, Dr. Leopoldo Sánchez, Prof. David Lewis, Dr. Timothy Saleska, Prof. Mark Kempff.