Aug 23, 2012 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary to Begin 174th Academic Year

On Friday, Aug. 31, at 11:00 a.m., Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will begin its 174th academic year with a special worship service in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus on the Seminary campus. Dr. Dale A. Meyer, president of Concordia Seminary, will serve as preacher.

Two new employees to the Seminary will be installed: Mr. Philip Ebeling as executive director of communications, and Rev. Wayne Knolhoff as director of placement and alumni relations.

Three professors will be installed into additional positions: Dr. Charles Arand as director of the Center for the Care of Creation; Dr. Jeffrey Kloha as director of the Center for the Study of Early Christian Texts; and Dr. Victor Raj as occupant of the Buehner-Duesenberg Chair in Missions. Staff member Rev. Jeffrey Thormodson will be installed as director of the MissionShift Institute.

Two employees in the Seminary Support department will be installed at later dates: Rev. Edward Bertram as deployed gift officer and Mr. Roger Dow as senior gift officer.

During the preceding week, new students will complete an orientation process and register for course work. The orientation process also provides opportunities for new students and their families to become better acquainted, which includes a “Field Day” consisting of sports activities, games for children, and a community-wide barbecue. Classes start on Tuesday, Sept. 4.

Concordia Seminary is located at 801 Seminary Place in St. Louis, Mo. For more information, call 314-505-7379 or email