Nov 08, 2012 Print This Article

Three Admission Events Set for January

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will hold three different visitation events in January for people interested in the pastoral or deaconess ministry.

Shepherds of God’s Flock: January 10
Designed for men in college or older, the retreat will focus on the spiritual and personal aspects of the decision-making process. Concordia Seminary invites you to explore these questions as you talk with current Seminary students about their decisions to prepare for being shepherds of God’s flock; worship with the Seminary community in chapel; and talk with participants from around the country who are contemplating pastoral ministry. Wives, fiancées, and girlfriends are also encouraged to attend. Participants are encouraged to stay through Friday, January 11, to attend “Green and Gold Days,” allowing for time to attend Seminary classes.

Green and Gold Days: January 11
Designed for men and women college age and older thinking about becoming pastors or deaconesses, Green and Gold Days provide a quick opportunity for participants to come and see all the Seminary offers. They will interact with current students, attend classes, worship in chapel, and speak with members of the faculty. We will end the day with dinner and conversation.

Taste of the Sem: January 19-21
Taste of the Sem is an opportunity for high school men to spend a weekend at the Seminary to study theology, pray, worship, meet, and talk with Seminary students and professors. The event is designed to provide a sense of Seminary life if you think God might be directing you toward the pastoral ministry. You will spend time with one Seminary student at his field education congregation on Sunday morning and attend classes with him on Monday morning. In the evenings, you may play in tournaments in volleyball, basketball, foosball, and Ping-Pong.

All visitation events are free to attend. For registration information, please call 1-800-822-9545 or email