Feb 04, 2013 Print This Article

Prepare/Enrich Workshop to Be Held On Seminary Campus

Concordia Seminary will host Reverend Jeffery S. Schubert and the Prepare/Enrich Workshop on Saturday, March 9, 2013, on the Seminary campus.

This workshop is designed to help facilitators learn how to use the Prepare/Enrich program with premarital and married couples. Pre­pare/Enrich is a program based on a set of five inventories that examine major relation­ship issues a couple may experience. These inventories must be administered by a trained Prepare/Enrich counselor and include 4-6 feedback sessions in which the counselor fa­cilitates discussion between the couple based on the inventory results.

Rev. Schubert currently serves as executive pastor at Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church in Hartland, Wis. He previously served as executive director of district and congregational services at The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod International Center in St. Louis. Rev. Schubert is a certified trainer in Prepare/Enrich and is recognized for his national and international leadership in marriage enrichment.

Cost for the workshop is $200 per person ($180 for vicars or Seminary students). Materials received at the workshop include a Comprehensive Counselor Manual, five inventories for premarital and married couples at all stages of life, and the “Building a Strong Marriage” Workbook.

To learn more visit the Prepare/Enrich site. You may register online or download a registration form to mail in. Registration deadline is February 22, 2013. Lunch will be available in the Seminary dining hall. A full refund of the registration fee upon cancellation is available prior to February 22. No refunds after that date. Please call 314-505-7286 or email ce@csl.edu for more information.