Jul 05, 2013 Print This Article

24th Annual Theological Symposium To Focus On Creation

“From the Creation to the New Creation: Seeing All Things in Light of the Entire Story” is the title of the 24th Annual Theological Symposium, to be held Sept. 24-25 on the campus of Concordia Seminary. The main presenters for the event are Concordia Seminary professors David Schmitt, Jeffrey Gibbs, Charles Arand, and Paul Raabe. Sectional presenters include Joel Biermann, Charles Geischen, Beth Hoeltke, Joel Okamoto, Joel Kurz, Paul Robinson, and Leopoldo Sánchez.

We live in a world that has been shattered into fragments. The 20th century saw the fragmentation of art, education, politics, and society. People today live fragmented and isolated lives at work, family, home, church. Even the biblical stories we hear on Sunday are often a collection of fragments for many Christians. How do we put the pieces together? It may lie in the recovery of God’s grand story that spans from the first creation to the new creation, centered in Christ’s resurrection. This bigger picture of God’s story can help us we see how the individual pieces fit together: How do we read and preach the individual texts of Scripture as part of the grand story? How does the church fit into God’s work in the world? How do we live our individual lives of vocation as participants in this story?

As a special gift to symposium attendees, there will be an Advent sermon series giveaway that will be connected to the themes of the symposium.

Full registration is $130 per person ($140 after Sept. 6) and includes program materials, Tuesday’s buffet reception, and refreshments. Other registration fees come at ala carte pricing. Registration deadline is Sept. 6.

For more information, contact the office of continuing education and parish services at 314-505-7286 or ce@csl.edu. Or visit the Symposium 2013 page of the Continuing Education website.