Aug 07, 2013 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary Announces Fall Lay Bible Institute

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will host its fall 2013 Lay Bible Institute from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday evenings, Oct. 2, 9, 16, and 23 in Sieck Hall 202 on the Seminary campus. “Influenced by a Cloud of Witnesses: Reading the Psalms for Spiritual Strength” will be presented by Dr. Timothy Saleska, associate professor of exegetical theology at Concordia Seminary.

We approach the Psalms with the assumption that reading them is more like having a conversation with other people than analyzing an object or mining for jewels. The shift of perspective makes it more difficult to keep the Psalm at arm’s length and opens us up to being influenced and changed by the voices we hear speaking to us. We will have the opportunity to read and meditate on individual Psalms, and we will discuss questions such as: “Why is there poetry in the Bible?” “How do we read the poetry of the Psalms?” “What am I doing as I read and listen to the speakers in the Psalms?” “What is the speaker doing to me as I listen to him?” “How do we meditate on the Psalms?” “How can we teach others to use the Psalms for their own spiritual growth?”

To register for the Lay Bible Institute, please call 314-505-7286 between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, or email  The cost is $30 per person and includes all handouts and refreshments. Registration deadline is Sept. 24. Concordia Seminary is located at 801 Seminary Place, in Clayton, Mo. Please use the links below to register for this event.


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