Nov 25, 2013 Print This Article

22nd Annual Schola Cantorum and Hymn Festival set for February

Concordia Seminary will offer its 22nd Annual Schola Cantorum: An Adult Choir Member Workshop and Hymn Festival, on Friday, Jan. 31 and Saturday, Feb. 1, 2014. The workshop will be held in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus on the Seminary campus. Dr. David Cherwien will serve as this year’s clinician.

A Choral Reading Session sponsored by Concordia Publishing House (CPH) will be held Friday, Jan. 31, 2014, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. In the session, Cherwien will guide participants through an evening of choral and instrumental song in which he will preview new and current titles of music. The session is open to all, but is especially designed for choir directors. There is no charge to attend but registration is required.

Registration for Schola Cantorum begins at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 1, followed by the Welcome and Morning Prayer at 8:15 a.m. The workshop begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 1:30 p.m. followed by a Hymn Festival at 2:00 p.m. to which the public is invited.

Workshop participants combined with the voices of Pro Musica Sacra: A Lutheran Community Choir will lead the assembly in proclaiming and singing “Light from Above,” An Epiphany Hymn Festival. The gathered assembly will be accompanied by renowned organist and hymn festival leader Dr. David Cherwien.

David Cherwien is currently serving as Director of Music at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minn., and in 2002 was appointed Music Director for the National Lutheran Choir, also based in the Twin Cities. He completed the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in organ performance, and the Master of Arts degree in Theory and Composition, both from the University of Minnesota. Following his undergraduate work he studied for two years at the Berlin Church Music School in Berlin, Germany. He is composer of the popular series for organ, Interpretations, based on hymn tunes (Lorenz) and has published other liturgical music for choir and organ. He is author of the book Let the People Sing, a practical guide for those who lead the congregation in song, published in 1997 by Concordia Publishing House. He has recorded two CDs of congregational hymns and organ arrangements with AMSI called “Interpretations.” David is a founding member of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, serving in its leadership in a variety of capacities, including National President from 1993 to 1997. He is also active in the American Guild of Organists and Choristers Guild.

The cost for the Schola Cantorum is $65 per individual or $120 per congregation ($75 or $135 after Jan. 15, 2014). For the congregation fee, a choir can send as many members as it desires. Lunch and the choral music are not included in the fee. For more information or registration forms, visit, call 314-505-7286 or email