Apr 09, 2014 Print This Article

High School Youth Explore Future in Ministry at Weeklong Summer Event

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will host Vocatio on June 21-26, 2014. Vocatio is a weeklong visitation event for high school youth, designed to help them learn about church vocations and find God’s calling for their lives.

Vocatio is a fun opportunity for high school youth entering grades 9, 10, 11, and 12. This six-day retreat on Concordia Seminary’s campus provides several exciting opportunities, including a servant event, worship services, a Concordia University System college fair, and a visit to a local Saint Louis attraction such as The City Museum.

The only charge for youth is a $150 registration fee, in addition to any travel costs. All activities, meals during the event, and on-campus lodging are provided at no cost to participants. Scholarships are available to ensure that travel costs do not prevent youth from attending.

The registration deadline is June 2, 2014. For more information on Vocatio, or to register, go to www.csl.edu/admissions/visit-us/visitation-events/vocatio/, or contact the Admissions Office, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; admissions@csl.edu; 1-800-822-9545.