May 30, 2014 Print This Article

Explore Creativity, Communication, and Faith at “Faith and Writing” Workshop

Concordia Seminary will be hosting a “Faith and Writing” workshop for Christian writers on campus July 29-31. This workshop explores and experiments with all kinds of creative writing — from starting a blog, to creating a sermon or devotion, to all the forms of “traditional” creative writing (story, nonfiction, drama, poetry) and everything in between. Attention will be given to social media and new forms of expression, as well as ample time for workshops and creative exercises.

The primary focus will be on what it means to create and communicate as a person of faith. What makes for effective communication? How do we cultivate creativity in our lives? What role does faith play in the creative process? Participants are encouraged (but not required) to bring their own work, as well as favorite works by others.

The workshop will be led by Rev. Travis Scholl, managing editor of Concordia Journal, and Peter Mead, Christian editor, publisher, and writer. It begins on Tuesday, July 29 at 9:00 a.m. and ends on Thursday, July 31 at 3:00 p.m. The cost is $150 per person with a maximum of 15 participants. All meals are on your own. On campus housing is available ($25 per person shared room; $40 per married couple or non-shared room). The registration deadline is July 16.

To register, call continuing education at 314-505-7286, email or go online: