Jun 23, 2014 Print This Article

Learn How to Create an “Inviting Community” at LutherHostel 2014

LutherHostel is an event designed to provide growth in biblical knowledge and understanding, fun, fellowship, and a chance to gain helpful insights for daily living for adults age 55 and older. This year’s LutherHostel will be held Oct. 4-7 on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and will be hosted by Rev. David Wollenburg and his wife, Jerry.

The theme for the event is “Inviting Community,” and what that means to the church at large. Participants will gather together as their own “inviting community” to talk with Concordia Seminary professors David Schmitt, Jeff Kloha, Jeff Oschwald, and Tim Saleska on the deeper issues of what it means to follow Christ and be the church together.  Discussion topics will be related to essays in the book “Inviting Community” published by Seminary Press. Participants will receive a free copy of the book for their own reading and reflection.

Scheduled activities for LutherHostel 2014 will feature a reception and dinner with President and Mrs. Dale A. Meyer. Other activities include presentations, class visitation, an Oktoberfest dinner, student-led devotions, informal interaction with faculty, a private demonstration of the organ in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus, and a tour of St. Louis area LCMS sites.

The registration fee of $375 per person includes all meals (Saturday supper through Tuesday lunch), refreshments, the Oktoberfest dinner and a candlelit banquet. Lodging is extra, and a limited number of second-floor, double-occupancy, dormitory-style rooms are available on campus in Loeber Hall. There are also special rates at area hotels for those who wish to stay off campus. The registration deadline is September 13, 2014.

For more information about LutherHostel, or to register for the event, contact the Seminary’s office of continuing education at 314-505-7286 or ce@csl.edu. Registration and information are also available online at https://stg.csl.matchbox.host/resources/continuinged/lh14/.