Aug 26, 2014 Print This Article

Gospel of Mark Goes on Tour in September

For several decades, scholars have increasingly placed the Gospel of Mark in an oral context, believing it to be a written document intended to be read aloud to a gathered audience. This presentation of the text of Mark’s Gospel reenacts the way in which it might have impacted those who first received it.  The English translation of Mark’s Gospel used in this presentation has been prepared by Dr. James W.Voelz, professor of exegetical theology at Concordia Seminary, who has recently completed a commentary on Mark chapters 1-8.This dramatic interpretation of the Gospel of Mark is performed by six pastors, including four Seminary faculty members. Last year, there were two performances on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. This year, the Gospel of Mark will be proclaimed in St. Louis, MO; River Forest, IL; and Valparaiso, IN.This experience is not simply a recitation of Mark’s text, neither is it a play based upon it; you will hear the Gospel of Mark in a new and emotional way. Allow the words to wash over you and the proclamation of rule and reign of God in Jesus Christ to confront you. St. Mark will enthrall you with his words, his images, and his message.

All performances are free, but some require reservations. See below:

  •  Thursday September 4th 7:00pm dress rehearsal in Werner Auditorium Concordia Seminary (reservations not required)
  • Tuesday September 9th 7:00 pm live performance in St. Louis at the Cardinal Rigali Center Auditorium (reservations not required)
  • Friday September 12th 7:00 pm live performance in Valparaiso, IN at the Valparaiso University Center of the Arts (tickets required go to or call 219-464-5162)
  • Saturday September 13th 7:00 pm live performance in River Forest, IL at the Concordia University Chicago Chapel of Our Lord

For additional information, please contact Beth Hoeltke at or 314-505-7031


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