Apr 27, 2016 Print This Article

New pastors, church leaders sent into ministry on Call Day

Will serve Church and world in service to the Gospel

With great anticipation and excitement, 149 Concordia Seminary, St. Louis students took part in Call Day today, learning their assignment of first calls to pastoral and diaconal ministry, vicarage placements and deaconess internship positions.

Seventy-eight students received their first calls to serve as pastors, chaplains and missionaries for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) at a 7 p.m. (CDT) worship service held at the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus. One deaconess also received a call and one deaconess has a call pending.

CSLVicarageStudentsSixty-five students who will serve as vicars and three deaconess interns received their assignments at a 3 p.m. (CDT) worship service also at Concordia Seminary’s Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus. One deaconess internship is pending.

“What is happening now is that … we are passing the earthly leadership of our Lord’s Church to a new generation,” said Seminary President Dr. Dale A. Meyer during the Call Service. “This generation is different. They form community in different ways. They are keen about worship, about receiving God’s grace and returning praise. … They are focused on Jesus and His ministry. God is raising [this] generation up for this new time of mission and ministry.”

A complete list of assignments and placements can be found at callday.csl.edu or with the links below.

• Assignment of calls in alphabetical order here
• Assignment of calls by district here
• Vicarage and deaconess internship assignments in alphabetical order here
• Vicarage and deaconess internship assignments by district here

About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit www.csl.edu.