Nov 22, 2016 Print This Article

Registration opens for 2017 Multiethnic Symposium

Event set for Jan. 24-25

Registration is now open for Concordia Seminary, St. Louis’ Multiethnic Symposium, set for Jan. 24-25 on campus.

The symposium brings together Lutherans and mission leaders of various ethnicities from across the country for workshops, discussions and worship. The symposium explores how the church should engage in ethnic ministry and what it means — and what it will take — to become a truly multiethnic church.

In celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and with the theme, “Reformation Across Borders,” the 2017 Multiethnic Symposium will examine the various ways in which the Reformation message has spanned time and place. Participants will examine ways to turn socio-linguistic, institutional and theological barriers into stepping stones to bring the pure Gospel to people across the world.

“The church needs a safe and meaningful place for its mission voice to be heard, encouraged and put into action,” said Rev. Kou Seying, chairman of the Multiethnic Symposium Committee and the Seminary’s Lutheran Foundation Professor of Urban and Cross-Cultural Ministry. “The Multiethnic Symposium is becoming such a place for all mission leaders. We welcome leaders from all levels of ministry whether lay, commissioned or ordained. Come, participate and embrace the challenge and celebrate the mission opportunity.”

Dr. Enoch Wan, research professor of intercultural studies and director of the Intercultural Studies Program at Western Seminary in Portland, Ore., will deliver the keynote address. Wan will lead participants in a historical review of the paradigm shift of Martin Luther that occurred 500 years ago and offer a proposal for the Lutheran church bodies in North America in the 21st century based on global trends.

Plenary and sectional speakers from throughout The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod will share mission perspectives on how the wide-ranging effect of the Reformation impacted their respective fields of ministry.

The symposium will include the 12th annual Hispanic lecture, “Luther and Calvin on the Cosmopolitan Church (Lutero y Calvino sobre la Iglesia Cosmopolita),” presented by Dr. Rubén Rosario Rodriguez, associate professor in the Department of Theological Studies at Saint Louis University, at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 25, in Werner Auditorium. Dr. Victor Belton, pastor of Peace Lutheran Church in Decatur, Ga., will give the response. The lecture, sponsored by the Center for Hispanic Studies, is free and open to the public.

Registration is $50. Included in the registration are Tuesday lunch and dinner, and Wednesday breakfast and lunch, the Hmong Symposium Jan. 21-23, Islam Forum Jan. 23 and the Hispanic Theological Consultation 25-26. On-campus housing is available for an additional fee. To register, click here.

For more information, visit or contact the Continuing Education office at 314-505-7286 or Check the website for additional information about the pre- and post-events connected to the symposium.

About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit