Dec 09, 2016 Print This Article

Dear alums

alumni-daleWe wish you blessed observance of all our Savior’s advents!

With this new emailing, we hope to communicate current happenings at your alma mater. While there are only three weeks of classes in December, they are important for more than academic reasons.

Culture is important in congregational and campus life. Mission statements, worship, bylaws and budgets are one thing; culture, that intangible feel for a place and its people is something related but different, and it is also very important. Among other updates in this issue, you’ll see campus Christmas decorations. Each year the decorations increase because we want seminarians to know how special this season is, and we hope they’ll replicate the culture when they get to their calls. Our neighbors tell us repeatedly how much they appreciate the decorated campus. Thanks to Gayle Zollmann, her student workers, Diane Meyer and others for these special efforts.

We need more residential students! Encourage someone who has the gifts and pass along the name to Diane Parker at

Significant change in your life our ministry? Send a brief, brief (please) to Melodie Bostic at

Jesus came, comes and will come again for you. In all the activity of your month, let’s keep it personal!

Dr. Dale A. Meyer, President
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis