Jan 06, 2017 Print This Article

Winter Lay Bible Institute set for Feb. 4

One-day class to examine the lasting impact of Martin Luther

The Winter Lay Bible Institute, open to congregational members, students and pastors alike, will feature one of the Seminary’s most renowned Luther experts. “Reformation Reverberations: the Lasting Impact of Martin Luther’s Reforms” is set for 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 4, on campus and will be presented by Dr. Erik Herrmann, associate professor of historical theology, chairman of the department of historical theology and director of the Seminary’s Center for Reformation Research.

Christians around the world will be celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017. Beginning with the 95 Theses, Martin Luther’s religious reforms has had tremendous and lasting effects upon the Western world, both in the church and in other secular arenas. The Winter Lay Bible Institute will examine the long term effects of Luther’s influence in three areas: religion, politics and society.

“Of course the Reformation is too complex a time and movement to be only about one thing,” Herrmann said. “Its causes and effects touch on a wide range of social and political factors, theological ideas, unique personalities and churchly pressures.”

Registration is $20. The registration deadline is Jan. 25. Participants can register online by clicking here. For more information, contact Continuing Education at 314-505-7286 or ce@csl.edu.

About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit www.csl.edu.