Concordia Seminary Newsroom
2017 Alumni Reunion set for Sept. 21-22
Special recognition planned for the class of 1967|Special recognition planned for the class of 1967

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis will hold its 2017 Alumni Reunion Sept. 21-22 on the Seminary’s campus.
Graduates, spouses and widows of class years ending in “7” or “2” are invited to attend the annual event.
Reunion highlights include:
- A special recognition of the jubilarian class of 1967 and all alumni in chapel.
- A welcome and update from Seminary President Dr. Dale A. Meyer and Diane Meyer.
- A presentation by Tim Townsend, author of Mission at Nuremberg. Townsend, a reporter and editor specializing in religion and public life, will lead a lively discussion about the research and process of writing Mission at Nuremberg, the gripping true account of a Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Army chaplain sent to minister to the Nazis incarcerated at Nuremberg.
- A presentation by Dr. Erik Herrmann, chairman of the Seminary’s Department of Historical Theology and Director of the Center for Reformation Research. As historian on set during the filming of this year’s “Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World,” Herrmann will share insights and anecdotes regarding this historic and acclaimed movie.
- An opportunity to contribute to the John E. Meyer Memorial Alumni Book Endowment Fund. The fund provides books for first-year seminarians.
Attendees also may participate in a special “Alum ’n Stein” and a “Taste of St. Louis” supper. The reunion will include plenty of free time for fellowship and class gatherings.
“We are thrilled to welcome our jubilarians and all alumni back to campus,” said Vicki Biggs, senior vice president of Seminary Advancement. “It is our prayer that the bonds that form between students only strengthen over time as they go forward from here into ministry, and that as alumni, they are proud to be graduates of Concordia Seminary. Each reunion provides the opportunity for graduates not only to reconnect with one another but also with their alma mater. We can’t wait to say ‘welcome back!’”
Registration is $100 per person for two days or $55 per person for one day. Advance registration is required by Sept. 6. Register here.
Download an informational brochure here. For more information, please contact Melodie Bostic in Alumni Relations at 314-505-7626 or alumni@csl.edu.
Come back to campus early and get your continuing education credits at the 28th Annual Theological Symposium, “The Just Shall Live by Faith: The Reformation Word for Life Then and Now”!
Concordia Seminary’s 28th Annual Theological Symposium kicks off two days before the 2017 Alumni Reunion, from Sept. 19-20. Learn more and register for the symposium at www.csl.edu/symposium. For more information about the symposium, contact Continuing Education at 314-505-7286 or ce@csl.edu.
Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit www.csl.edu.