Aug 22, 2017 Print This Article

Faculty members in demand for speaking engagements

As summer wraps up, several Seminary faculty members are guest preaching or presenting at various venues around the world this fall. Some recent and upcoming engagements include:

8/8 – Dr. Erik Herrmann: Plenary “Luther’s Divine Aeneid: Continuity and Creativity in Reforming the Use of the Bible” at the Thirteenth International Congress for Luther Research in Wittenberg, Germany

8/20 – Dr. Timothy Saleska: Guest preaching at Timothy Lutheran Church in St. Louis.

8/26 – Dr. Joel Biermann: Presentation “Wholly Citizens: Learning and Applying Luther’s Teaching of the Two Realms” in Edmond, Okla.

8/29 – Dr. Andrew Bartelt: Lecture “Does Lutheranism Matter in the 21st Century” at the Reformation Heritage Lecture Series at Concordia University St. Paul, Minn.

9/3, 10, 17, 24 – Dr. Paul Robinson: Bible class “The Life and Theology of Martin Luther” at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Chesterfield, Mo.

9/12 – Dr. Robert Kolb: Lecture “Wittenberg Theology East of Wittenberg” at a Reformation-themed conference by the Evangelical Theological Faculty of the Jan Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia

9/25-26 – Dr. Mark Rockenbach: Guest preaching at the LCMS Iowa District West Pastor Conference in Urbandale, Iowa

9/29-30 – Dr. Joel Biermann: Presentation “Making the Case for Character” and “Wholly Citizens” in Tucson, Ariz.

10/8-9 – Dr. Robert Kolb: Two lectures — “Luther’s ‘Simul’ and Baptism” and “Luther’s Bondage of the Will, 1526-1580” — at Forsamlingsfakulteten in Göteborg, Sweden

10/11 – Dr. Robert Kolb: Lecture on North American religious life at the Evangelische Theologische Fakultätentag

10/14 – Dr. Paul Robinson: Presentation “The Life and Theology of Martin Luther” at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Chesterfield, Mo.

10/21 – Dr. Paul Robinson: Presentation “The Life and Theology of Martin Luther” at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Chesterfield, Mo.

10/22 - Dr. Paul Robinson: Preaching "The Life and Theology of Martin Luther" at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Fort Collins, Colo.

10/22 – Dr. Joel Biermann: Presentation “The Enduring Legacy of the Reformation” at Trinity Lutheran Church in Edwardsville, Ill.

10/23-25 – Dr. Glenn Nielsen: Lecture “Out of Creation Comes Creativity for Teaching and Preaching” at the LCMS Indiana District Pastors Conference in Indianapolis, Ind.

10/24-26 – Dr. Robert Kolb: Three lectures on Luther’s theology at Baylor University in Waco, Texas

10/24-26 – Dr. Robert Kolb: Lecture “Luther Preaches the Parables” at a conference on biblical studies in the Reformation at Baylor University in Waco, Texas

10/28 – Dr. Paul Robinson: Presentation and preaching “The Life and Theology of Martin Luther” at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Jacksonville Beach, Fla.