Aug 11, 2017 Print This Article

Seminary holds visitation events for prospective students

High school and college students, others considering a second career invited|High school and college students, others considering a second career invited

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis has scheduled a variety of on-campus visitation events for prospective students for the 2017-18 academic year.

All events are aimed at providing a preview of the Seminary’s ministerial formation experience as students prepare for pastoral and diaconal ministry. There is something for everyone – including events for prospective students who are in high school or college, as well as for those who are considering ministry as a second career.

“Our campus community enjoys hosting guests since each of our students knows what it is like to prayerfully consider full-time ministry,” said Rev. Bill Wrede, the Seminary’s director of Ministerial Recruitment and Admissions. “The students, faculty and staff of Concordia Seminary will, literally and figuratively, walk alongside our guests as they explore, pray, question, learn and experience so much during a visit.”

Upcoming visitation events include:

Contemplate (Oct. 5-7, 2017; March 8-10, Oct. 4-6, 2018): For college students and second-career men and women, this three-day visit offers an in-depth view of the preparation that leads to service as a pastor or deaconess. The event is free.

Green & Gold Days (Nov. 3, 2017; Feb. 9, April 6 and Nov. 2, 2018): For college students and second-career men and women, Green & Gold Days is an opportunity to spend a day on campus and see what the Seminary has to offer. The day includes meeting with current students and professors, attending classes and chapel, and ending the day with dinner and discussion. The event is free.

Shepherds of God’s Flock (Feb. 8, 2018): For college students and second-career men, Shepherds of God’s Flock is about the decision-making process of “service as a shepherd.” At this one-day event, participants explore ministry through Bible study, hear panel presentations from pastors and students, and talk with others who are asking the same questions. The event is free.

Taste of the Sem (Feb. 17-19, 2018): For high school men, this is the chance to spend a weekend on campus diving into Lutheran theology, prayer and worship. Participants can talk with current students and professors. Because preparation extends beyond the classroom, participants accompany their mentors on Sunday to the church the mentor serves. The event is free.

Vocatio (June 23-28, 2018): For high school men and women, this weeklong retreat explores God’s calling and direction. Included are Bible study, worship, vocation discussion, a servant event and some St. Louis fun. A Concordia University System college fair also is scheduled. Registration is $150, but travel assistance is available upon request.

Next Steps (July 13-14, 2018): For prospective students who are married and their immediate families, this two-day event provides participants an opportunity to connect with the Concordia Seminary community. From visiting the campus to experiencing life with Seminary families, participants learn about transitioning to life at the Seminary from those who already have taken this step. The event is free.

To learn more about Seminary’s visitation events, call 800-822-9545, email or visit

About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit