Aug 01, 2018 Print This Article

Alumni Reunion helps connect old friends, classmates

Alumni, spouses welcomed back for two-day event

Graduates, spouses and widows of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis class years ending in “3” and “8” are cordially invited to the 2018 Alumni Reunion Sept. 20-21, 2018, on campus.

Reunion highlights include:

  • A special recognition of the jubilarian class of 1968 and all alumni in chapel
  • A welcome and update from Seminary President Dr. Dale A. Meyer and Diane Meyer
  • A presentation by Rev. Micah Glenn (’16), executive director of the Lutheran Hope Center in Ferguson, Mo.
  • Banquet featuring The Gospel of Mark presentation by Dr. David Schmitt, the Gregg H. Benidt Memorial Professor of Homiletics and Literature
  • An opportunity to contribute to the John E. Meyer Memorial Alumni Book Endowment Fund, which provides books for first-year seminarians

The reunion will include plenty of free time for fellowship and class gatherings.

Registration is $125 per person for two days or $70 per person for one day. Advance registration is required by Sept. 7. Register here.

“As always, we are excited to welcome our alumni back to campus!” said Vicki Biggs, senior vice president, Seminary Advancement. “When it comes to the reunion program, we’ll be offering some informative sessions, but we’re also purposely leaving the agenda fairly open so classmates have the time to reconnect with one another and renew the bonds they developed as students on campus. That’s what the reunion all about — renewing your connection with one another and with your alma mater!”

Participants are also welcome to come early for Concordia Seminary’s 29th Annual Theological Symposium, which kicks off two days before the 2018 Alumni Reunion, Sept. 18-19. Learn more and register for the symposium at For more information about the symposium, contact Continuing Education at 314-505-7286 or

For more information about the 2018 Alumni Reunion, please contact Melodie Bostic in Alumni Relations at 314-505-7626

About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit