Aug 24, 2018 Print This Article

FASPE fellow travels to Europe

Seminarian Christian Einertson spent two weeks of June in Europe for the 2018 Seminary Program of the Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics (FASPE). He traveled to Germany and Poland, including a visit to the site of the infamous Nazi concentration camp.

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According to FASPE, the fellowship program for seminary students addressed the complicity of clergy in the execution of Nazi policies. Topics discussed included clergy members who failed to speak out against atrocity, postwar confession, apologies and reconciliation, and the right and responsibility of religious leaders to be ethical educators. FASPE states it provides a holistic curriculum that looks beyond dogma and norms to focus on ethical problems faced by individual leaders in the contemporary pastoral or academic setting.

Einertson is the second Concordia Seminary student to be chosen for the fellowship program. Paul Flo was a 2016 recipient.

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