Oct 18, 2018 Print This Article

Generations 20/20 Campus Campaign begins

The Generations 20/20 Campus Campaign kicked off with a special luncheon for faculty and staff Sept. 26 in Koburg Hall. The campaign will go through Oct. 24. Seminary President Dr. Dale A. Meyer encouraged all employees to contribute to the campaign and build on the momentum of the successful Generations Campaign, which concluded in December 2017.

“During the Generations Campaign, nearly every single faculty and staff member joined in,” wrote Vicki Biggs, senior vice president of Seminary Advancement, in a letter to employees. “We pray that we can count on your support once again.” Employees received a packet of information including an intention form to indicate their support. Giving options include a one-time gift, a recurring gift via payroll deduction or a planned gift.

To give, visit www.csl.edu/give, call 800-822-5287 or email advancement@csl.edu.