Feb 19, 2019 Print This Article

Dr. Mark Rockenbach appointed Director of D.Min. program

In an email to faculty and staff Jan. 28, President Dr. Dale A. Meyer shared, "Our Seminary is in a wonderful place. Not only are we privileged to form pastors and deaconesses for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), but through our posts and publications, our public lectures and continuing education events, we offer theological depth to anyone who desires to learn biblical Lutheran theology from our professors.

In that spirit of sharing our theology, the Doctor of Ministry program is one of our most important offerings, not only to the LCMS but to any clergyman who desires to study with us. And so I'm very pleased to announce that Dr. Mark Rockenbach has accepted appointment as director of the Doctor of Ministry program. With his long experience in the ministry, focused especially on pastors desiring effective and blessed congregational ministries, Mark will be a great leader for this important program. Thank him and pray blessings upon his service!"

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2018 Alumni Reunion, Oct. 24-25, 2019