Feb 19, 2019 Print This Article

Winter Lay Bible Institute in review

The Winter Lay Bible Institute, "Exodus: The Greatest (OT) Story Ever Told," took place Jan. 26. Rev. Tom Egger, assistant professor of Exegetical Theology, led participants through a study of the book of Exodus.

"Most people are familiar with certain episodes in the book of Exodus — the plagues, the crossing of the Red Sea, manna in the wilderness, God giving the Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai. In this presentation, I show participants how the various episodes in Exodus hang together — the big picture of the book," shared Egger. "The Lord's great goal in the Exodus story is that people might know Him and find life in His promises, so this is a walk through the Exodus story with a central question in mind: Who is this God?"

Next up! The Summer Lay Bible Institute will be held Aug. 3. Dr. Tony Cook, vice president of Global Ministries at Lutheran Hour Ministries, presents "Households of Faith."