Apr 12, 2019 Print This Article

Burreson, Hoeltke author new Bible study

Book addresses topics of death, resurrection, nature of heaven

Dr. Kent Burreson, professor of Systematic Theology, and Dr. Beth Hoeltke, director of the Graduate School, both at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, recently published a new six-session Bible study, Death, Heaven, Resurrection and the New Creation, from Concordia Publishing House. The study helps readers understand the nature of death, as well as how to facilitate the experience of death from a biblical perspective. It also considers Christ's lordship over death through His resurrection, our participation through Baptism in His resurrection, and the nature of heaven and the new creation which the Father will establish in Christ when He returns.

"Often we think we know about heaven and the resurrection. But do we? This Bible study book helps the reader/participant attend to death from within the biblical narrative," said Burreson. "It also leads us to consider heaven, resurrection and the new creation, the last a reality we often fail to discuss, from the biblical viewpoint. In this way, we come to know, as Paul Harvey used to say, ‘the rest of the story' – death, heaven, resurrection and the new creation."

Additionally, the book focuses on practices of burial that reflect this rhythm and story. The care of the dead should uphold what Christians believe and teach about the Triune God, who created and redeemed all people and who will, on the Last Day, raise all people from the dead. Modern funeral practices often bear witness to things inconsistent with this theological confession and teaching, so this study explores practices of natural burial consistent with a biblical view of death, life and the new creation.
"Death is usually an uncomfortable topic, filled with angst and fear. But as Christians, we live and die with an amazing hope – hope in the resurrection of our own body and eternal life promised in Christ. Death need not be feared by those that love the Lord," said Hoeltke. "Our book, which can be used as a devotion, Bible study, or just a resource and helpful read, hopes to bring the subject of death into the life of the Christian and the church."

The book is available for purchase from Concordia Publishing House.

About Concordia Seminary

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit www.csl.edu.