Jun 17, 2019 Print This Article

Raj celebrated

The campus community celebrated Dr. Victor Raj's many years of dedicated service to God and His church May 15. Raj is retiring at the end of June after 24 years of service to the Seminary.

He was recognized in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus during the chapel service, and he was honored with a reception following in Koburg Hall.

Raj serves as the Buehner-Duesenberg Professor of Missions, professor of Exegetical Theology and assistant director of the Seminary's Institute for Mission Studies. Raj has been a faculty member since 1995. His retirement is effective June 30.

“It has been a delight to be with you all of these years,” Seminary President Dr. Dale A. Meyer told Raj during chapel. “This will always be ‘your place.’”

Several of Raj's fellow faculty members lauded him for his student-focused heart. Professor William Schumacher, director of the Institute for Mission Studies, said Raj brought the cross-cultural mission to life and reinvigorated the curriculum with the missionary spirit.

"Dr. Victor Raj has served our Seminary and church body in a very distinctive and influential way," said Dr. David Peter, dean of faculty and professor of Practical Theology. "Exegetical accuracy, theological faithfulness, intercultural insight and missional zeal intersect in his teaching and practice. He has brought to Concordia Seminary's faculty and students a perspective from the global East and South that is vital to mission in the 21st century. His warm and winsome personality and Christ-like character have endeared him to us all."