Oct 14, 2019 Print This Article

Theological Symposium explores devotion

Attendees explored what it means to live wholehearted, Christ-centered lives at the 30th Annual Theological Symposium Sept. 17-18, the Seminary's largest ever with about 400 people in attendance. Events included plenaries led by Seminary professors Dr. David Schmitt, Dr. Charles Arand, Dr. Timothy Saleska and Dr. Bruce Hartung; the Fifth Annual Dr. Jack Dean Kingsbury Lecture in New Testament Theology with Dr. James W. Voelz; sectional presentations; worship; and reflection time to help attendees learn how to (re)form their devotional lives. Mark your calendars for next year's Theological Symposium, "‘Whatever is Lovely ...' Beauty in Theology and the Theology of Beauty," Sept. 22-23, 2020.

Dean of Faculty Dr. David Peter preaches during the Service of the Word Sept. 17 in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus.

Dr. David Schmitt, the Gregg H. Benidt Memorial Professor of Homiletics and Literature, sets the overarching framework for the symposium with his plenary, "Discerning Devotion: Devotion and Discipleship in a Discontented Age."

"I call the Psalms my ‘fellow travelers' in this journey. They remind me in the midst of life's contradictions where true delight is to be found," said Dean of Ministerial Formation Dr. Timothy Saleska during his plenary.

Professor Emeritus Dr. Bruce Hartung speaks about the importance of examining our lives to discover how our faith is disillusioned and ways to stay connected with the body of Christ so we remain hopeful.

Dr. James W. Voelz, the Dr. Jack Dean Kingsbury Professor of New Testament Theology, presents "‘For Want of a Nail ...': The Importance of Details both Small and Great for Biblical Interpretation," Sept. 17 during the fifth annual Kingsbury lecture.