Dec 03, 2024 Print This Article

Dear alumni

The season of Advent has begun. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus.

The chief and leading theme of all the prophets is their aim to keep the people in eager anticipation of the coming Christ. Thus Moses, too, although he teaches many things that should be done, nevertheless always points to the well-known words in Deut. 18:15, where he also keeps the people in eager anticipation of Christ the Teacher, who will come with that authority with which He is endowed in His own right, yes, who will come as the chief Teacher and Disposer. Likewise in our time, too, whatever we teach and establish in the church, we do with a view to getting the people to await the coming of the Savior (“Luther’s Works,” American Edition, 16:3).

Martin Luther wrote these words in his introduction to the prophet Isaiah. What a wonderful encouragement to pastors and teachers to hold Advent before the church. During this blessed season we celebrate our Lord’s incarnation as we watch for the great day of His return; we look back to the cross and resurrection, which fill us with hope and eager expectation for the coming of our Lord in glory. And until He comes, we repent and rejoice in forgiveness; we feast on His body and blood in the Sacrament; we encourage one another and bear one another’s burdens; we work tirelessly for the sake of the Gospel. During this Advent season, I pray your eyes are fixed on Jesus, that amid the comings and goings, the cold and darker days, His Word would be your joy and your light. Advent services and Christmas celebrations provide blessed opportunities to hear again God’s precious promises, which He has fulfilled in our Lord Jesus Christ. With the church of all time, let us thank God for His gracious love and mercy and pray, “Come, Lord Jesus.”

A blessed Advent and a joyous Christmas to you all!

Love in Christ,

Dr. Thomas J. Egger