Oct 06, 2010 Print This Article

Bach at the Sem Season Opens October 10

The first Bach at the Sem concert of the season will take place this Sunday, October 10, at 3:00 p.m. in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus on the Concordia Seminary campus. In the first concert, Artist-in-Residence and Conductor Robert Bergt will lead The American Kantorei, Chamber Chorus, soloists, and orchestra in J. S. Bach’s Mass in B Minor, performing the Kyrie and Gloria in Excelsis. The chorus of 30 singers and orchestra of 21 musicians perform with modern concepts yet they incorporate styles and performance that is informed by the Baroque techniques.
The October 10 concert will feature new soprano Emily Truckenbrod, professor of music at SIU-Edwardsville. Soloists include: Jean Baue, soprano; Katharine Lawton Brown, mezzo; Jeral Becker, tenor; David Berger, bass/baritone; Paula Kasica, flute; Ann Homann, oboe; Wanda Becker, violin; Nancy Schick, horn; Joan Bergt, harpsichord; John Korak, Susan Slaughter, and Robert Sousa, trumpets; and Dennis Bergin, organ preludes on two chorales, Kyrie Eleison and Gloria in Excelsis Deo.
The Concordia Historical Institute on the campus of Concordia Seminary will be open to the public from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on October 10 to allow guests of Bach at the Sem a chance to view the newest exhibit of work by Albrecht Durer.
The American Kantorei is a choral and orchestral ensemble dedicated to the performance of church music from the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, and Neoclassical periods. The works of J. S. Bach form the core of its repertoire. Music Director and Conductor Robert Bergt is known as a symphonic and chorale conductor with a specialization in the music of Bach and other masters of the Baroque Period. Bach at the Sem is funded largely through the generosity of individual supporters.
For more information concerning Bach at the Sem or to be added to the Bach at the Sem mailing list, contact Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; 314-505-7362; bach@csl.edu; or visit the Concordia Seminary website at www.csl.edu.