Mar 04, 2011 Print This Article

Counseling and Confession Reprinted; New Lenten Sermon Series Offered

Concordia Seminary Press has released their newest book, a reprint of Walter Koehler’s Counseling and Confession: The Role of Confession and Absolution in Pastoral Counseling. This new edition includes an introduction which updates the book within the present context of pastoral care by Dr. Richard Marrs, associate professor of practical theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. It also includes a foreword by Dr. Harold Senkbeil. The printing costs were graciously covered covered by the Biblical Charity Continuing Education program, funded by the Biblical Charity Institute.

In conjunction with the release of this book, a new Lenten sermon series called The Way of Grace is also being released by Concordia Seminary Press. It is a six-week series focused on the sacraments: Confession/Absolution, Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper. Additionally, there are sermons for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. With its broad focus, the sermon series can also be used anytime a pastor wants to focus on the sacraments: for teaching emphasis, for liturgical renewal, for spiritual direction.

The sermon notes and manuscripts are individually prepared by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, faculty: Dr. Richard Marrs, Dr. Glenn Nielsen, Dr. Robert Kolb, Dr. Timothy Saleska, Dr. David Maxwell, Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs, and Dr. Leopoldo Sánchez. The sermon notes include thoughts on the text, ministry, and worship.

Counseling and Confession: The Role of Confession and Absolution in Pastoral Counseling costs $19.95. The Lenten sermon series is free with the purchase of the book; otherwise, The Way of Grace costs $9.95.

Counseling and Confession is available for purchase at the Concordia Seminary bookstore,, and by contacting theological research and publication at or 314-505-7117. It can also be purchased at the CSL online store at The Way of Grace can be purchased by visiting the CSL online store or by contacting the email address or phone number above.