Feb 16, 2012 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary to Host Day of Homiletical Reflection

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will host its 10th Annual Day of Homiletical Reflection on Wednesday, May 9, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. in the Seminary’s Clara and Spencer Werner Auditorium. The event is designed for pastors, students involved in homiletical education, and others interested in the proclamation of the Gospel in today’s world. The registration fee for the Day of Homiletical Reflection is $25.

Rev. Dr. David Lose, the Marbury E. Anderson Chair in Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minn., will be the featured speaker. He will speak on “Faithful Proclamation in the Age of Digital Pluralism.”

Lose has served as a pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Princeton Junction, N.J., and as a teaching fellow and visiting lecturer at Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, N.J. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in English and psychology from Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa., in 1988. He earned his Master of Divinity degree (1993) and his Master of Sacred Theology (1997) from The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, Pa. In May 2000, he earned his doctorate in homiletics from Princeton Theological Seminary. Dr. Lose is the author of Making Sense of Scripture and Confessing Jesus Christ, named one of the “Top 10 Books of 2004” by the Academy of Parish Clergy.

Sectional presentations include “Preaching 2.0: Inviting Our People into the Biblical Story” by Dr. Lose; “Sermon Series: There’s No Place like Home!” by Dr. Reed Lessing, professor of exegetical theology and director of the Graduate School at Concordia Seminary; and “Preaching the Songs of Zion: Integrating Hymnody into Preaching” by Dr. David Schmitt, associate professor of practical theology and The Gregg H. Benidt Memorial Endowed Chair in Homiletics and Literature at Concordia Seminary.

The Day of Homiletical Reflection combines the annual Wenchel Lecture that promotes critical thought about preaching and practical enhancement in this art with the Ernie and Elsie Schneider Endowment for Excellence in Preaching that fosters support for innovative 21st century proclamation.

To download a brochure for this event, click here.

The online registration period for this event has closed. Please note: online registration is for those attendees who wish to pay by credit card only. For all other forms of payment, please contact the Office of Continuing Education and Parish Services.

For more information, contact the office of continuing education and parish services at 314-505-7486; ce@csl.edu; or visit the Seminary’s website at www.csl.edu.