Sep 23, 2013 Print This Article

137 New Students Welcomed to Seminary at Opening Service

On Friday, Sept. 6, at 11:00 a.m., Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, began its 175th academic year with a special worship service in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus on the Seminary campus. Dr. Dale A. Meyer, president of Concordia Seminary, served as preacher.

The incoming class is comprised of 137 students, including all those newly enrolled in residential and distance programs: 67 residential M.Div. students; 3 residential alternate route students; 7 deaconess students; 7 EIIT (Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology) students; 24 SMP (Specific Ministry Pastor Program) students; and 12 CHS (Center for Hispanic Studies) students.

In addition, Concordia Seminary’s Graduate School has 17 new students: 4 M.A. (Master of Arts) students; 8 Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) students, and 5 S.T.M. (Master of Sacred Theology) students.

The 24 new SMP students received vicarage assignments during the Opening Service as well.

In addition, three new faculty members were installed: Rev. Benjamin Haupt as Director of Library Services and Assistant Professor of Practical Theology; Rev. David Johnson as Director of Musical Arts and Associate Professor of Practical Theology; and Rev. Todd Jones as Director of Resident Field Education and Assistant Professor of Practical Theology

Current faculty and staff members were installed in new positions: Dr. Charles Arand as Dean of Theological Research and Publication; Dr. Wallace Becker as Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program; Rev. Jason Broge as Curriculum Design Specialist; Rev. Tony Cook as Director of Curriculum Design and Development and Continuing Education; Dr. Jeffrey Kloha as Provost; Mr. Michael Louis as Executive Vice President; Dr. Richard Marrs as Director of the Master of Divinity and Alternate Route Programs; Dr. David Maxwell as Director of the Graduate School; and Dr. Paul Robinson as Dean and Marshal of the Faculty.

For more information, please contact or call 314-505-7379.