Sep 10, 2015 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary sets Faith Walk for Oct. 3-5

Annual event for older adults focuses on experiencing the arts

The connection between the Christian faith and art will be the focus of Faith Walk set for Oct. 3-5 at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

With the theme, “In Awesome Wonder: Experiencing the Arts in Christian Perspective,” Faith Walk will give participants the opportunity to hear from and talk with exceptional artists, musicians and writers about the connection between their Christian faith and art. Participants also will get to experience some of the wonderful and unique art and architecture found in the St. Louis area that shows how God is at work in all the arts of His creation.

“We hope to make Faith Walk a weekend-long retreat that allows people to be refreshed and renewed in their faith by enjoying the beautiful campus of Concordia Seminary, interacting with professors and presenters on topics of interest to the Christian life, and enjoying fun and fellowship with other retreat goers,” said Dr. Charles Arand, professor of systematic theology at Concordia Seminary.

One highlight of the 2015 event is a discussion and concert by internationally known indie-jazz artist Erin Bode, who will perform outdoors on the Seminary’s main quadrangle.

The one-of-a-kind experience will be led by hosts, Rev. David and Jeanette Meggers. A 1988 Seminary graduate, Meggers is associate pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church in Kirkwood, Mo.

Meggers previously taught at Lutheran schools in Wisconsin and Minnesota. He planted Christ the Rock Lutheran Church in Rockford, Ill., where he and his wife served for 23 years until he accepted the call to Concordia in 2013. Jeanette Meggers has worked in residential real estate since 1998.

Faith Walk, formerly known as LutherHostel, includes presentations, tours of the St. Louis Art Museum and Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, a candlelight dinner, and lunch with Seminary President Dr. Dale A. Meyer and his wife, Diane.

Other presenters include Dr. David Schmitt, professor of practical theology; Rev. Travis Scholl, managing editor of theological research and publications; Jim Marriott, director of musical arts; and Sarah Bernhardt, an artist, photographer and program director of Intersect Art Center in St. Louis.

Registration is $375 per person, which includes all meals. On-campus lodging is available (on a limited basis, for an additional cost) or in nearby hotels. The registration deadline is Sept. 18.

For more information about Faith Walk, or to register for the event, contact the Seminary’s office of
continuing education at 314-505-7286 or Registration and information also are available online at

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Concordia Seminary provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of
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