Nov 19, 2010 Print This Article

'Green and Gold Days' Coming Up At Concordia Seminary

The second of three Green and Gold Days will take place on Friday, Jan. 7, 2011 at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. A visitation day for college students thinking about the pastoral or deaconess ministry, Green and Gold Days are one-day events with opportunities to explore what Concordia Seminary has to offer.

Each Green and Gold Day will provide a quick opportunity for college men and women to come and see all the Seminary offers. Each guest will attend classes, worship in chapel, and speak with members of the faculty. To end the day, all participants are invited to stay for the evening meal in the dining hall.

The final Green and Gold Day during this academic year will take place on Friday, March 18, 2011. There is no registration fee to attend Green and Gold Days. Housing will be available on campus for all dates. All meals are also provided free of charge. Transportation to and from Lambert-St. Louis International Airport will be provided if needed. The registration deadline is two weeks prior to each event.

For questions or to register by phone, please call 1-800-822-9545 or e-mail